Every Tuesday at Kalani’s Rainbow Room
12-6860 Kalapana-Kapoho Rd
Pahoa, Hawaii 96778
An Improvisational Dance Experience
Let go of your story, relax into the flow of energy and connection. Move with the rhythms of nature in this connected exploration of movement and meditative stillness. In this experience, we will connect with nature, as our guiding force, and from this space of connection, we have the opportunity to connect, deeply, with others.
Whether you are a beginner or pro, Contact Improv is a beautiful way to dive deep into presence. Connect with others or with nature and the earth.
We will begin with a 15 minute Contact improv introduction course, then opening Galactic Synchronization circle led by DNA Levity.
A different musician will accentuate the beauty of our dance with ambiance music, while allowing us to hear each other’s emotional tones and find the rhythms of our soul.
If you are a beginner, please arrive on time, for the class.
I am another you