Awesome Easter Sunday as the santa cruz tribe connects heaven and earth with a spiral for rebirth at Dharma @Charlene @Freshums @cheetananda @ellen DNA LevityI am another you
Love Beam Heaven Earth Connection
with charlene william & stephanie for fun connection DNA LevityI am another you
Star Tetrahedron Connection at Santa Cruz Farmers Market
#didhumandala #vajravortex #heavenearth #setthevortex after hackey sack on mandala @ the farmers market w/ Bryce&Chris – DNA LevityI am another you
Yogananda's Energizations then HuMandalas with Friends
Started the day w/ Yogananda’s energizations then did humandalas #vajravortex #heavenearth #heartcharger #yoga & #meditation w/ Tammy & Gabby. – Yogananda’s energization exercises make me feel full of vitality and cosmic energy. In my experience, the practice of cultivating energy with physical vibration is a quick and effective method for …
Heaven and Earth is here in us (Video)
#didhumandala to welcome Colby back to the house .. Nice video – DNA LevityI am another you
Peace Star with the Luminaries at Cafe Gratitude
#didhumandala with Luminaries Free Will and J brave. Balancing heaven and earth in our selves and world. Peace! – DNA LevityI am another you