Amplifiy the energy of the spiral by connecting thumbs and creating a Love Beam
3-6 people
Create a spiral, and move in a counterclockwise vortex to cultivate the energy of your intentions.
Connect thumbs to amplify the energy.

With this co-created, amplified energy, give this love to each of the people in your circle.
Point your thumbs at one person in your circle and open your thumbs sending a Heart Charger.
Vortex your hands once around clockwise, then point and send the beam to the next person.
After everyone has received the Love Beam Heart Charger, send your hands and energy up and out to the world.
Ground the energy in yourselves.
King Tut
3 or 4 people
Create a Spiral and connect thumbs, creating a love beam pyramid, amplifying the energy.
With your left hands, connect thumb & index fingers above your right.
Open the thumbs on your left hand reconnect them inside the bottom thumb pyramid.

Offer this collaborative energy to all of creation. Anchor the tone in your location and selves.