At this time, many of us are experiencing a period of re-callibration and re-orientation in which we are beginning to find our footing and function within a somewhat turbulent ocean of new planetary frequencies(aka waking dream). We are also experiencing “The Call to Re-merge with Community Union” or “Pluralized Individuation Identity” and work in teams to transform the echos of 3d limitations into orgasmic liberations of consciousness. The New Earth calls for a different approach to manifesting our desires. There is far less judgement, guilt or shame because events do not carry over to the next day, or even next the minute. It is also much easier to attain your heart’s desires, for there is much more self-worth, the old patterns of lacking are becoming unfamiliar. We need do very little to create or achieve something now. Simply re-tune, match the frequency of what you choose to create/perceive/experience, and calmly watch it fall into place. The more we relax, let go and submit to the New Waking Dream of Love Unity, listening to It/Source/WeSelf consistently and following Its cues,by responding consciously to Our Collective impulses and rhythms; the more we are able to realize that we are creating what we perceive, moment by moment, and simply choose (by retuning our creative centers to the All-Inclusive_Unconditional-Love Frequency) to respond to the echos of old patterning in a new way, thus liberating and vanishing every old trigger as it presents itself in our new world of unconditional love. The past can no longer linger in the mind, it is no longer invited into the present and so each moment is fresh, restored by the fullness of Self Presence.
“All the mind “chatter” about wounding and being fallen and blocked and “not good enough” is simply your mind attempting to justify an inability to align with the Frequency of Peace and Abundance, as if it were very difficult to achieve. “There must be something wrong with me”, it says, and then spends time trying to find out what is “wrong”. Beloveds, nothing is “wrong” when you drop out of Frequency. Do not judge yourself, simply find your way back! Stop! Breathe! Ground Yourself, connect with your Higher Aspects, and return to the Frequency of Peace and Abundance. It is there for you!” – (1. A.A. Michael)
I have found that the key for sustaining this Nowness Frequency/Lucid Experience, is to trust in and feel that your Divine Family is here(now within and without) with you(me), on this Earth, and WE WOULD NEVER LET YOU(ME) FALL. It is now clear that our previous seeming fall was no fall at all but a choice, and the winter solstice 2012 shift was the completion of that choice and the beginning of a choice to Unify in Flight into Ecstatic Omni-Love.
For those of us in tune with this, there is often the question of how can we answer the call. We read many channelings from Higher Densities explaining the energetics of what must and is being done, but it seems that the practical application or tangible techniques are up to us to creatively concoct into this realm and truly apply in with Grace and efficiency. That is why I’m so passionate about the HuMandalas movement. Of all my experiences so far, it truly is the single funnest, and most effective technique for Anchoring and Integrating the Higher Galactic Frequencies and Patterns of Co-Creative Manifestations that are shaping our Ever-New Heavenly Earth. This is precisely what the Archangels, the Ascended Masters, our StarryMulti-D Family of Light and many more have been encouraging all of us to do.
“This Full Reconnection, Beloved Ones, has created a Turbulence that we call “Dimensional Instability” or “Dimensional Imbalance”. The Earth is now situated in the Fifth Dimension and is aligned with the incoming Light Code Transmissions, mainly through Multi-Dimensional individuals who can hold these energies in their Light Body fields, and also through some Sacred Sites and Spaces where the Energy is held and transmitted by the Site or Space itself. In this way, the Flow of Divine Peace and the Frequency of Abundance is anchored on the Planet. This Frequency is Powerful, Pure and Clear, and when you are aligned with it, everything in your life flows with Grace and Ease.” (A.A. Michael). The Humandalas actively ground and activate these frequencies in our individual LIGHT BODIES and creates a group Collective Light Body or Merkabah Vortex that is then anchored into a given location and thereby converting it into a Sacred Site that is intentionally programmed to perpetuate this evolutionary pulsation through the planet so long as it is beneficial to One and All.
More to come on this topic as well as the Sirius Star Dolphin connection to Humandalas and some fresh new mudras to play and Galactivate with. I Am in Love We Are.
1. channeled by Celia Fenn , from