Trevor didn’t make it to the workshop yesterday but still #didhumandala .. This in near our home. – DNA LevityI am another you
Activate with Roi on Mt Shasta
#didhumandala I just made this my iPhone wallpaper. Wonder peeps power..:: Activate! @daniellevy2013 – DNA LevityI am another you
To start and Bless our road trip
#startetra #starspiral #humandala for #roadtrip to #mtshasta & #ocf w Brittney Noah kisa & michael – DNA LevityI am another you
At the Farm getting our hands dirty in a Galactic Spiral
#didhumandala with dirty hands blessing the seedlings after volunteering at the Los a Manza farm in Santa Cruz! – DNA LevityI am another you
Peace Star with the Luminaries at Cafe Gratitude
#didhumandala with Luminaries Free Will and J brave. Balancing heaven and earth in our selves and world. Peace! – DNA LevityI am another you
Getting the heart charge!
Legendary Heartsong musician & circle Leader, Shambala Songstar, getting the heart charge! – DNA LevityI am another you
Making HuMandalas was a wonderful experience.
I was introduced to the HuMandala at Libbey Park in Ojai California. This was a wonderful experience.” – DNA LevityI am another you
HuMandala Synchronicity Mt Shasta Full Moon
#Jacobsladder #humandala #synchronicity #mtshasta #fullmoon @ Mt Shasta Ski Bowl – DNA LevityI am another you