Join us for the unique opportunity to fully immerse in the energy of prayer, intentions, sacred sound, and conscious movement.
The HuMandala technique has similarities to qigong, yoga, reiki, and sacred dance. It is an easy way to grasp the ancient principles of bio-energetic cultivation and the power of intention. HuMandalas are enjoyable, enlightening and accessible to people of any background. In particular, those interested in sound therapy/toning, sacred art, conscious movement, massage, meditation, and new age thought.
Recapture child-like innocence and the Spirit of Play in a safe and intimate group container. Connect fully and deeply while you learn to teach HuMandalas, and other activities to cultivate more awareness. There are plenty of moments for both group and private reflections, and to explore and rediscover our magical selves. In addition to Humandalas, expect the ancient wisdom of sound, vibrational magic, music, spoken word, beauty, and prayer.

The skill of connecting authentically with others cultivates naturally through the use and sharing of HuMandalas.

Participants of the 3 day immersion are left with a certain sparkle in their eyes, a renewed zest, and belief in the beauty of infinite possibility. What is your intention? What are you here to do? Let this retreat energize and calibrate the essence of who you really are and change your life forever.