Amidst green grass and patches of blue sky, we came together. 3 of us facing each other, facing ourselves. Flowing through down dog, warrior one, warrior two, reverse warrior, twisted lunge, down dog, pigeon…left and right side again and again. In pigeon pose rest our heads on prayer hands…resting on elbows we meet in middle with our prayerful hands, opening them slowly like a cherished book we know well but always with new information. While holding this we bring extended leg forward and sit in indian pose, palms up resting on ground. Gazing at ground the grass showing in center of our connected open palms reveals a merkaba. We are holding something…we choose it to be the earth aligned with her merkaba and as we inhale we raise the earth and her inhabitants…This is a long story…but something tells me it is of value to share. ~*~ Sitting indian style with our 6 knees touching, our palms faced up to sky…turning palms to palms with neighbor we form a crown. We create a counter clockwise vortex, receiving energy with our left sending it with our right…synchronized breathing…we are feeling and witnessing this spiral gaining momentum…We pause for a moment and feel the vortex spiraling, extending from earth up to sky…we are but circuits. We are kings and queens of the kingdom/queendom. Memory serves me well. Especially for oments like this. In circle we hold eachothers forearms moving from indian to squat supporting each other we lean into nothing, keeping faith. Coming to center we rise connected…exhaling we squat down, inhaling we rise, exhaling we squat, inhaling we rise and yet again. We ground…placing our hearts in prayer at our own hearts…breathing deep. Standing in tree we maintain our own balance…yet offering an index finger for slightest support. On in breathe we simultaneously extend our bent leg to neighbors thigh crease….releasing hands we grab our own vertical leg bending forward. We come into 3 person basic humandala spiral, as we are support here we twist in connected tree reaching behind us with our free hand…yum…Coming back to center with strength of unit we pivot (right hands still in spiral) our standing leg and bodies outward much like a side kick in taekwondo, folding forward and peering at each other, upside down. Out of the blue, the beyond, while our right hands are joined on top as we gaze at each other we are pulled to also join our left hands in center below right hands while folded over! Haahaha! Great laughs we had. Releasing, untangling, stabilizing, ecstasy we come up breathing, invigorated and brand new. Coming in for group hug we honor and see each other and give thanks. Thank you for reading. It has been a vision to hold Humandalas and mandala yoga every in the Medford community for last two years and now it is coming more and more to fruition. Looking forward to sharing more on here. Bless brothers and sisters. <3
Comments 1
Love this, Anjahla… reading it again and it amazes me see how deeply we all can tap into that sared flo with this movement.. Thank you for your poetry!