Synchronicity is everywhere!
As we tune into our environment, we begin to notice the little details that connect us to the people, experiences and places that color our lives.
What is synchronicity? Synchronicity is a togetherness principle introduced by psychologist Carl Jung in the 1920’s. Jung believed that events have a meaningful relationship beyond cause and effect. Synchronistic events appear as “meaningful coincidences” in our lives. They are those experiences that seem to somehow mysteriously connect.
As long as I can remember, synchronistic events have occurred in my life in big and small ways. Some even occur on a regular basis: everything on my grocery list being on sale; pulling up to the perfect spot just as someone is pulling out; having a dream about someone and seeing them the next day. Synchronicities appear as signs, too. Looking back on my life, I see many guiding lights pointing the way to Hawaii where I currently live. The memories are colored with new meaning as I fit the pieces of my life together and look at the bigger picture.
Tapping into the synchronicities of life can bring meaningful connection and guidance. As we sync up, we find we are exactly at the right place at the right time to give and receive just what we are needing. When we are in sync, our ability to help each other along and share our talents is amplified because we are tuned into interconnection. Our feelings of interconnection move and inspire us to love, care for one another and dream new realities together.
Cultivating Synchronicity
Cultivating synchronicity helps communities thrive! Here are five fun group activities to get in sync:
1. HuMandalas Card Game: Draw a card from each of the five categories and follow the steps to create a human mandala ritual! Categories include connection, intention, cultivation, offering and anchoring. The colorful cards can be used to help cultivate a simple daily practice or prolonged session with yourself or loved ones.
2. Mirror Dance: Choose a person to lead and one to follow. Follow the leader’s movements for a set amount of time (1-3 minutes works well) then switch. Start out with slow movements and flow as you build synchronicity. Switch partners. Another variation of the mirror dance can be done with one person leading and the group following, then switch leaders.
3. Toning: Warm up by taking several deep breaths and releasing audible sighs from high to low range. Use a singing bowl to create a tone. Hum or ‘aaah’ together to match the tone. Add vocal variations and harmonies as inspired, and hear them resound in the group. Feel the buzz of collective vibrations!
4. Service Project: Gather your friends or neighbors and choose a community service project to complete together. This can be anything from planting trees in the community park, to providing meals for community members in need, to planning a celebration. Get together, find out what is important to you, and let the creativity flow!
5. Hugs: Hugs are amazing! Simple and effective, always available, open the arms and enjoy the waves of love.
I hope you enjoyed reading this. Please share your ideas about synchronization in the comments below. Let’s inspire one another!