It’s so beautiful to connect with so many different people at the fair. It is amazing to see that everyone, no matter what their background appreciates the beauty of these peaceful connections. {Veneta, OR} charlene
Spiral & Saint John
Giving thanks for roadside sacred harvest! with @Daniel in {Mount Shasta, ca} charlene
We Love the YUBA
Heart Connection jessica
Spiral of love with Family
Galactic Spiral of #loving connection with #family <3 @cheryl, Jai Ma, Nana & Charlene charlene
Dolphin Mudra HuMandala
#dolphin #humandala w/ @Charlene @Jessica and @Sabina for #goddess #trinity DNA LevityI am another you
Family Spiral Connection
Galactic Spiral with family! Mother, Nana, sister & me. charlene
Holy Connection at Amma's Ashram. Love our crew!
Great to connect after the #nogmo rally against Monsanto in santa cruz. Met up w @happyom and brought everyone home for lunch. What a great spiral connection! DNA LevityI am another you
Beam Jah Baby! Get the Sacred Vortex Spinning
love for the mama and her big belly full of child lighthawk
Spread the Spiral Light!
Hunab Ku with beloved @Dlevy2013 charlene
Dharmas after Inner Light Church
Awesome Easter Sunday as the santa cruz tribe connects heaven and earth with a spiral for rebirth at Dharma @Charlene @Freshums @cheetananda @ellen DNA LevityI am another you