Amidst green grass and patches of blue sky, we came together. 3 of us facing each other, facing ourselves. Flowing through down dog, warrior one, warrior two, reverse warrior, twisted lunge, down dog, pigeon…left and right side again and again. In pigeon pose rest our heads on prayer hands…resting …
New Heavenly Earth , Giving Praise, Love and Gratitude
We Thank and Praise Our Beloved One True Source for Loving us and giving us the ability to co-create our reality with conscious, genuine, love-driven people. We trust in family instead of banks owned by manipulative strangers with unhealthy agendas,   we inter-depend on each other rather then a government of power-motivated , …
Priceless HUmandala
Raising Love Light Quotient Of Mother Gaia , Galactivating Star Seeds <3 rashu
Oregon Country fair at the Love Lounge
#ocf #humandala #galactivation #loveblast to ya! DNA LevityI am another you
Dolphin Mudra HuMandala
#dolphin #humandala w/ @Charlene @Jessica and @Sabina for #goddess #trinity DNA LevityI am another you
Powerful Antidepresant and Law of Manifestation Tech : The Smile Mudra and The Science of Smiling.
This article will reintroduce the science of conscious smiling, aka “The Smile Mudra”, along with some new scientific research supporting the already fairly agreeable benefits of smiling. All this came about as I pondered the relationship between mind and body for the pratice of deliberate manifestation. It seems to me …
Oklahoma Tornado Victims HuMandala Blessing
HuMandalas offer an amazing way to reach people and situations that are seemingly separated from us by great distances and or time.
Mudra-Breathwork Consciousness-Manifestation Technology
HuMandalas automatically and simultaneously connects, synchronizes and harmonizes the bio-rythmic field of each individual with those of everyone involved to generates a new, interpersonal neural-psychic network with its own bioenergetic field.
HuMandalas as a Complement to Kundalini Yoga
In Kundalini teachings we have come as of 2013 into the Aquarian Age. The Piscean Age has ended and we are entering a new Era of the dynamic relationship between the universe and human consciousness.
Sedona Bliss Vortex
#vajravortex #humandala w @charlene @lighthawk for #springwater in [sedona, az] DNA LevityI am another you