7 – Before a Meal 6 – Peak of a Mountain 5 – Political or Social Demonstrations 4 – A Natural Vortex  3 – For Collaborative Projects 2 – A Fresh Water Spring 1 – In Outer Space Truth is, HuMandalas are great anywhere! Have Fun! [stag_button url=”http://www.humandalas.com/technique/” style=”blue” size=”medium” type=”stroke” target=”_self” …
Starseeds Activate Assemble Fire Up the Grid
To actualize our potential as way showers of the new earth and coming into aligment with our calling/path/blueprint , at 3960 {Santa Cruz, Ca} rashu
Holy Connection at Amma's Ashram. Love our crew!
Great to connect after the #nogmo rally against Monsanto in santa cruz. Met up w @happyom and brought everyone home for lunch. What a great spiral connection! DNA LevityI am another you
Dharmas after Inner Light Church
Awesome Easter Sunday as the santa cruz tribe connects heaven and earth with a spiral for rebirth at Dharma @Charlene @Freshums @cheetananda @ellen DNA LevityI am another you
Jacob's Ladder
#jacobsladder #humandala with #tea in the #morning for #fun w @carlen @omnilove @finch @charlene & @jonna [Santa Cruz, CA] DNA LevityI am another you
Eclipse Rejuvenation Festival connection in Santa Cruz
#didhumandala #starspiral #heartcharger #3eye w/ Maya Elizabeth Jamil & Lauren Ball @ @ San Lorenzo Park http://t.co/asJUuQ2p – DNA LevityI am another you
At the Farm getting our hands dirty in a Galactic Spiral
#didhumandala with dirty hands blessing the seedlings after volunteering at the Los a Manza farm in Santa Cruz! http://t.co/BNFdln1F – DNA LevityI am another you
Blessing the water with HuMandalas (Video)
#DidHuMandala #Blessing the water with #HuMandalas @ Santa Cruz Spring: http://t.co/m2Rt1oJr DNA LevityI am another you