This galactic spiral variation was initiated and shared atop majestic mount Shasta {mount Shasta, Ca} ~ abundance of musical hearts vibrating~ Here we are spiraling together ~ as one~ staying right here ~ in the heart center ~*~ constant reminder deep intentions will raise the vibration enough to have major …
Inner Love to Outward Dreams Awake, LiB 2013
By going exploring within and coming to a place of peace, in tune with an unwavering Source of Love from within, we are able to give our self’s permission to truly live our dreams. Coming together with like mind/hearted beings to assist/support the evolution of the planet from scarcity and …
New Earth Way Showers, Ecstatic Love Based Beings: Galacivate with HuMandalas: Conscious Planetary Revolution
Many of us are really starting to see and feel the New Earth. We are re-establishing our direct link to Source. Our Supreme Communication is being restored and from this perspective, we really do feel a sense of Oness that comes with a specific request/mission for each of us. Each …
Archangel Michael – New Earth- I Am That We Are – Lucid Merkabahs
At this time, many of us are experiencing a period of re-callibration and re-orientation in which we are beginning to find our footing and function within a somewhat turbulent ocean of new planetary frequencies(aka waking dream). We are also experiencing “The Call to Re-merge with Community Union” or “Pluralized Individuation …
Powerful Antidepresant and Law of Manifestation Tech : The Smile Mudra and The Science of Smiling.
This article will reintroduce the science of conscious smiling, aka “The Smile Mudra”, along with some new scientific research supporting the already fairly agreeable benefits of smiling. All this came about as I pondered the relationship between mind and body for the pratice of deliberate manifestation. It seems to me …