Daniel Levy Getting excited about connecting with love and intention DNA LevityI am another you
#peace#love#birthdaywishes#alignment#unity [Medford, Or] knupara
HuMandalas for Healing The Planet
HuMandalas are guided or spontaneous ceremonial yogic circles in which the geometries of creation are made with connected bodies, movement and sound. Using the power of intention, participants cultivate healing energy for themselves and the planet. My name is Daniel Levy and I have been teaching this art of connection for …
Everyone love HuMandalas
#lovebeam #humandala #ocf http://t.co/wCbL3nF5 – DNA LevityI am another you
Fusion Factory 2011
Human Mandala Project – Fusion Factory 2011 Josh Davis of http://humanmandalaproject.com/ Expanding Spiral Foot Butte DNA Butte DNA Butte Overhead I Love You Kaleidoscope Kaleidoscope Opens Kaleidoscope Opened Kaleidoscope Opened and Expanded DNA LevityI am another you
In the Bliss Vortex
#DidHumandala love beam w/ @shamanatrix missy galore Kaija Runa Brian & Flo at the bliss vortex! http://t.co/yWIPQjBX – DNA LevityI am another you
Love Lounge at Oregon Country Fair
#humandala #ocf http://t.co/qLCzNwTb – DNA LevityI am another you
People of all ages and cultures love HuMandalas
#humandala #OCF http://t.co/ZNiDbtqo – DNA LevityI am another you
The perfection of our connected conscience
Bathing in the Bliss and Love at Raquel Roney’s Apartment lead by I Am Love. – DNA LevityI am another you
Welcome Home Spiral Connection
#didhumandala as a welcome home! Pentacle heart charger w/ brianne David August and Lela! I love us! Infinite energy! http://t.co/VzCNzlaE – DNA LevityI am another you